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Environmental Musings

There is magic in this red earth. In the contrast between the red of the earth, the green of the flora, and the blue of the endless sky. 

I often wonder what it must feel like for the hawks, floating in the drafts and currents, the sun warming their backs as they look down on us all scurrying below... navigating our journeys amidst these monolithic rock formations, trying to ground down as we ascend spiritually. 

I hear the coyotes yipping at night sometimes and it reminds me of the night I gave birth to my third child. The scent of smoke in the air from the fires, the coyotes howling, the heat oppressive even when it rained... The end of June, the summer solstice just past, and a fresh new baby on my breast, the coyotes welcoming him and singing us to sleep at night. 

This land holds so much for all of us. She anchors us firmly into the physical, but she is so mystical as well... sending messages, amplifying manifestation, curating who is allowed to live here and who must leave almost as quickly as they came. 

Swirling underneath this deep ochre earth, water also adds her energy. They say the vortex energy of this land is actually due to the swirling spinning waters that flow beneath the surface of this land. Folks walk around with dowsing rods, finding the ley lines, praying to that water beneath the surface to bless our lives here in this magical place. 

We are made of water. The water in our bodies is just as intelligent as the water that flows under the surface of this place. Water is wisdom, it holds memories, it stores the codes of existence within its structure and form. And in the desert, we honor the water just as much as we honor the red earth, the towering rocks, the hawks in the air and the coyotes of the land. 

Feeling so much gratitude for this place, for the elements that she has taught me to honor, for the calling that she has placed onto my path. The future of our community is in the ascension of us all.. it’s in the gentle births, it’s in the wildly awakening and tenderly raw postpartum experiences, it’s in the souls of the new spirits who are choosing to come in here... (from where, I’m not sure yet. But they are new and they are bringing their wisdom right when we need it most. Sedona has called them into this now just as she decides daily which adults live here in flow and which struggle so much they must leave.) 

And it’s in this earth, this deeply grounding red earth, the orange dust that clings to our pants and shoes as we tread upon her,  the abundance she helps us manifest in our lives, when we take the time to center upon her, connect and pray, ask how we can serve... that is how we create the future we need here in Sedona. And it feels so potent at this time. 

Thankful for it all and for my opportunity to be a part of it. Sending love to this place, her energy, and the growth she’s helped me achieve, so that I may in turn help her grow into the future in an aligned way. And sending love to you where you are as well. Thank you for your work there. Thank you for helping us rise collectively. I honor you and yours!