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How Tantra Changed My Life:

Ok, I have to explain what Tantra really is.

Tantra is an enlightenment tradition.

There’s no way to fully illuminate tantra and how it has positively shifted my life in one post, but what I hope to impart is a sense of awareness that Tantra is (much) more than s*x and is actually more about outlining a pathway to a deeply spiritual connection to self and the divine above all else.

If you’re feeling even slightly curious about Tantra, keep reading.

A little background on Tantra

Tantra comes from India, Tibet, Nepal and Bhutan, but has spread all over Asia and in pockets throughout the world.

This tradition has given explicit instructions that all groups of humans and ethnicities are welcome and invited to practice, as long as they are sincere and coming from the heart.

The teachings of Tantra are tools and techniques, combined with a philosophy, to awaken Self and proceed along the spiritual path.

Use the tools and techniques to seek the truth for yourself.

My whole life, I had a knowing that there had to be some framework in existence to help me shed layers and really tap into my Truth…

I knew I was on a path but it didn’t feel very clear to me at all.

What were my next steps? Where would I end up? What would the whole process look and feel like?

When I learned about Tantra and started studying it deeply, everything became super clear for me!

Tantra holds the fundamental truth of how magic humans are, and what we are truly capable of.

The tantric tradition gave birth to hatha yoga, chakras, the idea of kundalini as goddess consciousness, forms of pranayama, certain powerful mantras and mudras… all cultivated and developed in the tantric tradition.

One of the most classical tantric teachings is “all is one.”

A big part of the tantric tradition is engaging in the practices until “all is one” becomes a lived experience and your Truth.

The tantric texts and traditions are extremely detailed roadmaps for how to get to enlightenment.

You can become enlightened in one instant or over an entire lifetime through the experience of living in the world.

This isn’t a tradition that denies humans any part of the human experience.

And you can maintain all of your human 3D preferences after enlightenment, it doesn’t make you any less enlightened.

Everything can be a part of your spiritual practice… working, s*x, being married, doing daily tasks, being a parent, it’s all ceremony and an offering to the divine.

There is a deep love and reverence to living in this 3D reality and all that entails, because it’s an expression of the divine, emanating from within each of us.

The tantric path involves true destruction of the illusion of control.

Tantra goes hand in hand with Ayurveda, because there is deep belief in the importance of health and wellness tools on the 3D physical level while you are on your spiritual awakening journey.

You can visit the 12th dimension and that’s cool, but also how are your adrenals? How is your intimate relationship with your partner? How vital are you? Tantra is deeply spiritual and deeply practical at the same time.

A big part of Tantra is incorporating shadow work and taboo into spirituality and consciousness evolution.

We can’t evolve and ascend if we are afraid of our own bodies or if we don’t truly love ourselves.

In our individual shadows and in the collective taboos and shadows, lie the answers we seek and the healing that will liberate us all.

Why do you think there are programs that shame certain parts of our human experience???? Think on that for a minute…

There are portions of classical Tantra devoted to yoni worship and s*xual rituals and the maha mudras which are sexual rites of initiation, but that is a small part of what Tantra is all about.. it’s more about enlightenment.

When s*x is used properly, it is just like meditation or asana, it’s a tool in service to awakening.

Embracing pleasure as a path to enlightenment is a classical tantric teaching.

Understanding your body as a source of divine consciousness that maps to the rest of the universe is a classic tantric teaching.

Working with energy activation in the body to unlock stagnation in the chakras is a classical tantric teaching.

Your womb is a source of power, your yoni/sword is a source of celebration, your heart is a source of love, your third eye is a source of visionary capacity.. all classic tantric teachings.

The fundamental belief that everything is worthy of love is a classical tantric teaching.

“If you do not love yourself, the practices will not work.”

So when we emphasize and tap into the depth of that love, we can create the space for tantric wisdom and enlightenment to blossom within ourselves.

This is why I incorporate Tantra into my healing framework with clients.

It’s a clear pathway and it’s all-encompassing.

It changed my life and I’ve seen it change others’ lives as well, so profoundly that it’s really difficult to describe in words.

I’m really grateful and honored to be able to tap into these teachings in my weekly practices in order to help myself evolve and grow and deepen into my truth.

And I hope that by sharing this info with you, we can all share in that growth and deepening and also magnify the energy into the collective as well.

Any questions about these ideas? Reach out to me or leave a comment below :)