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10 years of healing and learning brought me here…

When I started my healing journey, I had no idea what sort of framework would be best for my own personal path.

This was 10 years ago, and like many people I started focusing on the physical aspects of my evolution first: clean eating, whole foods , eliminating toxins in my cleaning and body products, connecting to my body with running and yoga…

This transformed over time into emotional, mental, and spiritual healing too.

I changed my mindset, started using affirmations and experimenting with manifestation, saw my life as a gift, began healing my mother and father wounds, connected with my inner child, connected with a higher power…

I was piecing together my own healing journey and framework for life from what I could gather from books and the internet…

A little piece from here, a bit from there…

Whatever crossed my path that felt resonant, I would dive into for a bit before shifting to the next thing.

I would go in fits and starts too…

For a period I would be all-in, diving deep into healing modalities and processes,..

Then I would get burnt out and have to take a break for a while…

Usually to binge watch some show that would bring me concretely back into the normalcy of what we are capable of as normal humans in this 3D reality. :)

About a year and a half ago, though, I finally found a framework that covered everything …

Deep emotional healing through the lens of a spiritual framework that also — very insightfully — incorporates nourishing physical wellness alongside the spiritual and emotional healing journey.

What really impressed me specifically was the nervous system consideration throughout the spiritual and emotional healing cycle.

After what felt like a lifetime of dragging my feet through my healing journey begrudgingly, I realized I had not been making the journey rewarding to myself on any level besides mentally…

I was satisfied mentally that I knew I was healing, growing, and evolving…

But I wasn’t really caring for and nourishing my spirit or my nervous system in my healing process.

I wasn’t giving myself much, if any, positive reinforcement during my journey.

Which made it a not-so-fun experience most of the time, because of the inherently challenging nature of excavating shadows and trudging through the darkness within to try to bring light there.

This all stems back to my own patterning of course…

A deep part of myself resonated with “the struggle” or a feeling of contraction …

Because this was the frequency during my childhood.

It was really pivotal for me to begin embracing the frequencies of expansion and liberation instead!

Joy, freedom, bliss, laughter, lightness, pleasure…

All of these are states I find myself in and also consciously curate for myself during my journey and my everyday life now.

I positively reinforce the deep and sometimes profoundly challenging inner work I am undertaking, with equally deep and profoundly blissful and ecstatic play.

This has been a total game changer for me in my daily life as well as the trajectory and timbre of my spiritual and emotional evolution.

My partnership with my husband is more easeful and sexy than I ever imagined it could be.

My parenting is more easeful and playful  (still get triggered AF at times of course and have many layers to work through still!).

And my interaction and general way of being with the world around me feels really expansive and easeful.

Ahhhhhh… sigh.

Life is fun !

I am liberated in that sense :)

I am so jazzed that I now offer this framework within my own healing sessions as a service to the world.

I have cobbled together much of what I have learned and experienced over the last 10 years and also dove into an extremely comprehensive and intensive 2 year training program last year, that allowed me to wrap everything up in a beautiful somatic embodiment bow, too.

What I’ve realized too, now, is that most folks have no clue what somatic embodiment is or how potent it is as a healing framework and tool for personal growth in every day life.

Which makes it challenging for people to sign up for a 1:1 session with me. They don’t have an understanding in order to justify the expense.

(I do offer a free discover call to anyone interested in working with me though, just fyi!)

This is why I have started offering an online intro to somatic embodiment self-paced healing journey!

For only $33!

It utilizes the introductory tools and pathways I would use in the first one or two sessions 1:1 with clients (which would normally cost $400 for two sessions), to facilitate major healing.

This is an extremely accessible transformational journey you can experience in the comfort of your own home, at your own pace, while also nourishing your own nervous system along the way.

You can also use it over and over again for the rest of your life, as issues come up over time.

I hope that by offering this, everyone can go on their own potent mini deep dive into themselves, and really know how important somatic embodiment is as a way to release roadblocks and embrace our deepest desires.

Really tapping into the truth of who we are, under all the layers that can sometimes muddy the waters of our lives.

Here’s the link to check out more info.

I hope if you’re at all interested in this pathway to tap into the life you’re truly craving and desiring (and deserving of!), you check it out.