Welcome to your sacred online space for abundant soul-level nourishment through pleasure, healing, and deep sisterhood

Are You Ready For ALL Of This?

  • Private group chat for support, guidance, 1:1 and group coaching, voice notes, updates, and sweet sisterhood connection.

  • Weekly Temple Practice Calls (4 temples total), where you will be guided deeply into your body to heal, activate, and expand through pleasure. Check the FAQ below for dates/times of calls.

  • 2 additional group calls: one group intro call to ask questions and meet your fellow temple sisters, and one group integration call after the container closes, to share how this experience continues to weave into your daily lived experience.

  • Bonus exclusive guided meditations, extra optional practices, and journaling prompts to help integrate this experience further, and bring the temple into your daily life in a real and practical way.

  • Special discounts on 1:1 sessions with Ashley to dive in and activate more precisely.

Weekly Flow

Week 1:

Holistic Pleasure Embodiment - exploring our bodies, getting to know our physical architecture more deeply, and expanding our capacity to hold more and more pleasure within the container of our bodies.

Week 2:

Pleasure-Filled Trauma Release - We will be diving into dearmoring and trauma release in this call, but in a very gentle and loving way, pleasure-filled the whole time.

Week 3:

Claiming Primal Sexual Wholeness - We are re-anchoring into our deepest primal whole sexuality, and claiming that power within our bodies. We are diving into our primal nature, releasing our critical anxious minds, and embracing the most raw and unadulterated aspects of self. 

Week 4:

Source Consciousness Co-Creation - Utilize your powerful embodied sexual energy as a portal to your Source Consciousness, and co-create the life and relationship dynamics that are impeccably aligned with your Truth!

I ask myself all the time what I want, if I could create or be a part of anything in order to feel soul nourished as I flow through life… what would that be? 

For me, it’s community, it’s sisterhood, it’s regular temple experiences so I can have a home to go back to over and over again when I am craving connection with that feeling of magic, power, sacred pleasure, and cosmic-level soul sisterhood

As of right now, I don’t know of a place that checks all of these boxes. 

But I am doing my damndest to create it! 🪔🏛️✨

I created the SST because I want it to be a place for women to gather that doesn’t feel like just another thing to do or process to complete. But rather a place that is incredibly soul nourishing. 


A place to come fill up our cups with pleasure, sisterhood, and power … to help us navigate the rest of our lives from a place of grounded nourishment.


I want it to be a resource.


Not a to do list or something that we struggle to complete or get through. Not another program you've joined that you’ll never be able to keep up with.


I want it to feel like a deeply supportive home that we can come back to every week for 4 weeks… and then through the recordings and the chat for the rest of your life if you want. 


To feel encouraged and empowered and resourced in your life, in your relationships, in your healing journeys.


I want it to be like “Oh my god, thank GOD I have the SST!… Because the next time I feel anxious or overwhelmed or burnt out or stressed or stuck on some sort of life-rollercoaster where I can’t breathe, I have the SST chat or the recordings or the resources to guide me, ground me back into my body, into these feel good hormones, and into the support I need to move forward in my sovereignty." 

Women, we NEED these sorts of resources. 

We need places where we are so held, so safe, so seen, and so FREE to explore and REMEMBER who we truly are as women… 

Life changes when we have access to temple spaces. Truly

Will you join us?

Limited Temple Space Available

Limited Temple Space Available

SST Membership
One time

Step into your sovereignty, while held in a safe container and surrounded by the support of sisters who will become lifelong friends.

✓ Weekly Temple Practice Calls
✓ Private Group Chat with Individualized Coaching
✓ Bonus Practices, Meditations, Journaling Prompts

✺ Frequently Asked Questions ✺

“What a beautiful, transformative experience. I haven’t felt this way in a really really long time and my nervous system feels reset. I feel a thousand suns in my chest and so much love in my heart.

— Kristen, Nosara

“I am beyond grateful for my time with Ashley. She held such loving and empowering space as I navigated rocky terrain healing sexual wounding from the past. Her capacity to hold me was one of the reasons I was able to go as deep as I did in my journey and I am forever thankful for that.”

Callie M. Bishop, Embodiment Coach

“Ashley created a deep sense of safety for me to move through a profound healing and activation process. As a space holder, she has pure loving presence. She’s a good listener, has attuned touch, radiates warmth and integrity, and shared words of affirmation that my soul needed to hear. With her support, I released layers of grief and rage in a truly embodied way, as well as experienced a profound activation of joy, bliss, and pleasure in my body. Thank you, Ashley!”

— Elise, Executive, and Leadership Coach

“Ashley holds the most beautiful space for deep transformational work. Knowing and feeling her previous life as a midwife created this safety for me to be my most raw and wild self as I released everything I was holding onto. I felt so seen and so held as Ashley poured her presence and her love into our 1:1 container. Her energy is so soft and grounded and I would love to work with her again in the future.”

— Alex, Feminine Embodiment Coach

“Ashley is incredibly spiritually powerful and gifted. I’m so grateful for her. She helped me shift my whole life!”

Ashley S., Sedona

“Ashley really is magic! Her tone and her soul are so healing. I’m incredibly grateful for her and the love she exudes. I’ve never met anyone like her before."

Ali, California

“This is amazing! I never received this kind of reflection before. Ashley is helping me to go so deep within myself and my healing experience thanks to her precious activation and integration support. The container she creates is brilliant and I am extremely grateful. I would recommend her to everyone.”

Lili, Nosara